The Journey Continues; or, The September Sequel...
Greetings, Rotarians. For your information:
1. What a great attendance last week! Hopefully we will see that many or more tomorrow at Five Bridges for our classification talks. We will also have a special word from our International Chair, Sherry Mourant.
2. For tomorrow's lunch, you will have the option of Fish n Chips, or Chicken Wrap and Salad. You will need to identify your choice at the door when you show up. If you have dietary restrictions, please make this known at the door.
3. Please make note that our grand tour of Moncton continues into September. Unfortunately Legends has postponed our return date to September 8th. The September 1st location is TBD.
4. From August 27th to August 31st, the New Brunswick Youth Orchestra seeks help. This year's orchestra will be its biggest ever and will include many "out-of-towners". Because of our good reputation, the NBYO has reach out to our rotary club in need of billeting; can you provide a member of the orchestra with a place to sleep, breakfast in the morning, and a drive to the camp? If so, please let me know ASAP. Complimentary season passes to NBYO concerts are being offered to participating host families.
5. In addition to the dates listed in the right sidebar --->
Please also be mindful of August 31st - the Rotary Charity Classic golf tournament. Please help out in any way you can (either by golfing or by reaching out to Ian Franklin to help with volunteering at the event)
See you all tomorrow!