BGC Moncton Cheque Presentation

BGC Moncton Cheque PresentationAt the Rotary Club of Moncton West & Riverview, we believe in the power of creating opportunities and spaces that nurture the potential of every child. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our $12,500 donation to BGC Moncton in support of their inspiring project, ‘GIVE KIDS A SPACE TO BE KIDS’ playground! This initiative will transform their playground into an accessible, inclusive space where kids can laugh, play, and just be kids. With a total goal of $400,000, this campaign will run through 2024–2025, bringing a renewed sense of joy and belonging to countless children in our community. For over 65 years, BGC Moncton has been a cornerstone of support, fostering growth, leadership, and success among young people in the Greater Moncton area. Their dedication aligns perfectly with our vision to transform lives and communities. ![]() ![]() |
BGC Riverview DonationThe Rotary Club of Moncton West & Riverview is proud to announce a $12,500 donation to support BGC Riverview’s In-School Breakfast Program! ![]() ![]() For nearly 30 years, BGC Riverview has been ensuring that children in our community start their day with a healthy, nutritious breakfast. With the help of incredible volunteers, this program serves over 600 students daily across two elementary schools and has now expanded to include Riverview Middle School. Many children in our community face economic challenges, and programs like this are essential to their health, focus, and academic success. Research shows that starting the day with a balanced meal improves cognitive function, energy levels, and long-term health outcomes. BGC Riverview has a rich history of empowering youth through essential services, academic programs, mental health support, and recreational activities. This organization is a cornerstone of our community, and we are honored to continue our 12-year partnership with them. Your Rotary dollars at work ensure that over 50% of students in these schools receive the healthy start they need each morning. Together, we are investing in brighter futures and stronger communities. Thank you to all the volunteers, donors, and community members who make this program possible. ![]() |
Paul Harris PresentationA big congratulations to two of our amazing Moncton West & Riverview Rotarians, Sue Murray and Bruce Martin, who were recently presented with their Paul Harris pins at our club meeting! ![]() ![]() The Paul Harris pin is a prestigious Rotary International award, symbolizing a generous financial commitment to the Rotary Foundation. Through their contributions, Bruce and Sue are helping to fund initiatives that make a tangible difference—eradicating polio, supporting education, providing clean water, and so much more. Their dedication reflects the true spirit of “Service Above Self.” Thank you for your leadership and generosity in driving Rotary’s mission forward! ![]() ![]() Let’s celebrate this milestone together and take inspiration from their example to continue making a difference. ![]() |
RMH VolunteeringOn January 15, 2025, Members had the privilege of volunteering at Ronald McDonald House, preparing meals for families who need a comforting place to stay during difficult times. ![]() Thank you, RMH, for the incredible work you do in our community! ![]() |
Forest Glen DonationThe Rotary Club of Moncton West & Riverview Rotary was thrilled to support Forest Glen School with a donation to help purchase much-needed physical education equipment. With rising enrollment and growing class sizes, the school faces an equipment shortage that limits opportunities for students to fully participate in gym activities. This funding will ensure that every child has access to quality PE resources, promoting active, healthy lifestyles and maximizing participation during their gym time. We’re proud to invest in the well-being of our community’s children and help Forest Glen continue to provide an engaging and inclusive program. ![]() |
Peter McKee / Rotary Community GardenThe Rotary Club of Moncton West & Riverview is proud to support the Peter McKee/Rotary Community Garden and its mission to provide access to fresh, healthy, and nutritious food for all. This vital project not only addresses the unique dietary needs of our growing and diverse community, but also teaches the value of sustainablecost-effective gardening. With our donation, the garden will thrive through the purchase of seeds, soil, tools, and repairs needed for another successful growing season. The produce grown will directly benefit families and individuals in need, while any excess will be used to prepare meals and canned goods through their Medavie Community Kitchen. This is more than just a garden—it’s a source of nourishment, education, and hope for our community. ![]() |
Welcome to Rotary, Vikram!On November 22, 2024 President Sherry Trenhom, inducted Vikram Singh to the Membership. Welcome Vikram! ![]() |
October 5th RLI TrainingOn October 5th, seven of our members, and one facilitator travelled to Truro to attend RLI. The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) exists to assist in improving the Rotary knowledge and leadership skills of the future leaders of our Rotary clubs. We believe that improved Rotary knowledge is the key to successful service by our clubs to our communities. ![]() Congratulations to President Sherry Trenholm, Karla McLean, and Sherry Mourant for achieving Level 3 today! Jamie Smith, Stacey Couturier, Julianna & Maria Mutch, fantastic you have now completed Level 1! Thank you to Colin Reeves for being one of the excellent Facilitators! We all learned a great deal, during our sessions and are excited to apply our knowledge! |
New Members, Maria & JuliannaLast Friday, August 9th President Sherry Trenholm and Barbara Elias had the privilege of inducting two new members - Mother and Daughter, Maria & Julianna! We are so excited to have you a part of our Club, welcome! ![]() |
New Member, Roberto!On July 26, 2024 we had the honour of inducting Roberto Palma to The Rotary Club of Moncton West & Riverview. Our very own Atilio Guerrero officially introduced Roberto (L) alongside President Sherry Trenholm (C). Welcome Roberto! ![]() |
7815 District Conference |
Madam RI President Jennifer Jones congratulating RotaryMWRIn recognition of our 50th Anniversary Madam RI President Jennifer Jones reached out and shared these lines: Dear Rotary Club of Moncton West & Riverview members, I am honored to congratulate the Rotary Club of Moncton West & Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada on its 50th anniversary. |
Rotarians active in the communityOur Rotary Club members support our local community and give back where they can.
Welcome New Members![]() We are please to announce two new members to our club, Geoff Bell and just today at our meeting Sandra Tataw.
Rotarians to the Rescue!by Erin Hansen - updated by Nigel There is still real need for community volunteers during the pandemic. Rotarians can always be counted on to step up and lend a hand. Led by Sharon Niles and Kent Ostridge, our Rotary club is busy seeking areas where volunteers are needed. Some potential areas being explored include the Riverview Boys and Girls club recycle program (Nigel Bayliss on specific details), blood donation events, and preparing meals for families in need at Edith Cavell. Once specific events have been identified, Sharon and Kent will be letting our club know where and when to help out. This initiative to communicate where the community need is will continue throughout the pandemic, so if any members have some free time, stay tuned! We have a chance to make a difference and enjoy some much needed fellowship while remaining in COVID safe environments.
Supporting the Environment
New RI President Jennifer Jones make historyBy Ryan Hyland Jennifer E. Jones, of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International for 2022-23. Jennifer E. Jones, a member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, has been nominated to become Rotary International’s president for 2022-23, a groundbreaking selection that will make her the first woman to hold that office in the organization’s 115-year history. Jones will officially become president-nominee on 1 October if no other candidates challenge her. Jones says she sees Rotary’s Action Plan as a catalyst for increasing Rotary’s impact. “As we reflect upon our new strategic priorities, we could have never envisioned that our ability to adapt would become our North Star during what is inarguably the most profound time in recent history,” Jones said in her vision statement. “Silver linings rise out of the most challenging circumstances. Using metric-driven goals, I will harness this historic landscape to innovate, educate, and communicate opportunities that reflect today’s reality.” |
Thinking (and Acting) Outside the BoxBy Erin Hansen Rotarians love to take action, and in these unprecedented times, that hasn’t changed. We know many of the charities we support are struggling financially. Most fundraisers typically involve mass gatherings, which have been necessarily cancelled. Rotary is having challenges raising money for the charities we support too. So that means we have to think outside the box. Although it might be difficult to give financial donations to our charities, we can at least help them save money. We decided to give them tangible goods they would otherwise have to purchase. Now that New Brunswick is starting to lift restrictions, washable community masks have become a necessity. Meet Sharon Niles, chair of our Covid-19 Mask Making Committee, and a gifted seamstress. She had the know how to put into action a mask-making initiative suggested by a fellow Rotarian. The club purchased the materials and with her leadership, several club members helped her wash, cut, sew, and deliver 290 free cloth masks and they’re not done yet! So far, Moncton Headstart, NB Association for Community Living, Youth Impact, the Moncton and Riverview Boys and Girls Clubs, Food Depot Alimentaire, and Crossroads for Women have all had their initial mask supply needs met. Go team!!! ![]() |
Community PartnershipsBy Erin Hansen
Partnerships with other charities and service clubs is a big part of what Rotary does. Here’s a heartwarming story of such a team effort. Our Rotary club made a financial donation to the Riverview Boys and Girls Club last fall. The funds were used to construct a second recycling depot at the Olde Tyme Meat Market on Coverdale Road (the first one was at Riverview Tire). Anyone is welcome to drop off their recyclables and all proceeds go towards their many programs such as Drop-In for youth, Raise the Grade for academic support for teens, in school breakfast, daycare and much more. program. Plus, recycling benefits the environment. In this anxious time of self-isolation, you would expect that recycling donations would be down. It’s just the opposite though! The depots, run by a strong dedicated group of volunteers, have received double their usual amount. Community members, complying with social distancing guidelines, are using the drop-off locations as a way to give back. These small, volunteer run recycling depots have become beacons of hope in these uncertain times. They are benefiting not only the charity they serve, but also the people who are providing. While this increase will not make up for all the financial losses this charity has suffered, it certainly lessens the blow, and the Riverview Boys and Girls Club is extremely grateful.
Changing TimesBy Erin Hansen Last year if anyone had told me that it would become socially acceptable to gift others rolls of toilet paper, I would have laughed in disbelief. However, that is the reality we currently live in. It seems like something out of a science fiction story. Global pandemic, schools closed, social distancing mandated, disinfecting everything we must bring into our homes. We all know the story - I don’t need to rehash it. Our new reality is uncertain, both in terms of how long these COVID-19 adaptive measures will last, and what our ultimate future will look like. Lives are sure to be changed forever, and much adaptation will be necessary. The entire world has become united battling our common enemy - that invisible virus. We have been reminded that at the end of the day, we all have the same basic needs, no matter where we live. We truly are one international community. Everyone is working together, and we all have a crucial part to play, even if it is just staying home. We all matter. Even though Rotary’s primary focus is humanity, I can’t help but wonder how much our planet will recover environmentally during this unprecedented time. People in large urban centres are experiencing better air quality. There is less litter on our streets. We have more time for our friends and family, even if it is online. These things are a tiny glimmer of silver lining on the vast storm cloud we are living under but grasping onto these tendrils of gratitude is essential to weather the tempest. We must maintain hope for the future. In this time of cocooning, we have an opportunity to envision a better tomorrow. What parts of our old reality do we want to preserve? What parts now seem insignificant? Most importantly, what do we want to improve? In the following posts, I will be highlighting Rotarians who are making a difference during these uncertain times. Stay tuned! |
My dog and the Rotary 4-Way-TestBy Erin Hansen The Rotary 4-Way Test is a central part of Rotary and was created to aid Rotarians to maintain their high ethical standards in both their business and personal lives. There are four questions we ask ourselves: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned? The thing is, you need to be able to say YES to all four questions. It’s a great way to make sure you are demonstrating integrity in what you do. This isn’t always easy, but it is good for the soul. Here’s an entertaining example… My dog Scooby loves to dumpster dive. He’s smart enough that he has figured out how to open the cupboard door, and get into the garbage can. Most of the time, he is able to demonstrate some self-control, but once in a while - especially if bacon grease is involved - he just can’t help himself. Now, if Scooby were a Rotarian he might be able to use the four-way test to help him stay away from that tempting debris. For the first question, “Is it the truth?” Scooby could ask himself, “Hmmmm... do mom and dad like it when I dumpster dive? Truthfully, is this a good choice?” If the answer is not yes, he should refrain. However for Scooby, this is just too much. He is not after all, a Rotarian. The truth question can be applied in another way as well, which is worth mentioning since like dogs, Rotarians can also make mistakes. This means being accountable for your error and trying to make up for it. For instance, when we find dog-drool sodden garbage shredded into little bits all over the carpet, Scooby could tell us the truth. He could own up and help us clean up the mess. He could learn from his mistake, make reparations, and try not to repeat it. This is what a Rotarian would do. ![]() "Hmmmmm….When I dumpster dive, I drag the garbage over to my favourite treat eating spot on the carpet. The carpet will need to be cleaned. Is this fair to mom and dad, who will have to clean up my mess? Also, the garbage I eat will likely include things that, though tasty, will make me sick. I might need to go to the vet. Is this fair to me?" The answer to both these questions is a resounding “NO”. Granted, itmight be fair to the vet, who will save the day and get thanked, but it’s not really fair to anyone else. Next we have the third question, “Will it build goodwill and better friendships?“ Clearly, Scooby dragging garbage all over the floor will not build goodwill from our perspective as dog parents. Even if Scooby had a little dog friend who happily partook in the feast, this really isn’t fair to that dog either. They will both end up getting in trouble. Scooby needs to think long term, as well as short term and consider multiple perspectives. Finally the last question, “Will it be beneficial to all concerned?” Although it may be beneficial for Scooby (and potentially his little doggie brother) to enjoy a wonderful forbidden treat, it is not beneficial for anyone else. On the contrary, once we doggy parents find out about it, we will be annoyed and disappointed. Even if we don’t find out about it, I’m sure Scooby will probably feel guilty and ashamed. This will not be good for Scooby’s mental health. Obviously, most ‘people scenarios, are much more complex than whether or not to dig out that decadent greasy paper towel from the garbage can. This makes it even more important to pause and consider the Rotary 4-Way-Test. Sometimes it’s hard to remain mindful of it in everything we do, but it’s a great habit to get into and is why you can trust a Rotarian. |
What is Rotary Anyway?
Building Rotary AwarenessRotary at the Becca Scofield All World Play Park The meeting February 15, 2019 will be focused on Building Rotary Awareness. We have club members speaking about their Rotary experiences, sessions and events and how they have impacted their Rotary Journey. ![]() |
Rotary supports Urban Hearts Campaign![]() Moncton launches ‘Our Urban Heart’ $5 million Partnership Campaign Funds raised will support the Moncton Events Centre and Plaza The family-friendly green space located at the back of the plaza will now be named the Rotary Park, in recognition of the Rotary Club of Moncton and the Rotary Club of Moncton West & Riverview's joint $200,000 donation.